Wood-look tiles have suddenly gained a lot of popularity and they’re a new addition to the flooring market. They offer the largest range of tiles in India and what makes them so popular is the incredible level of technology used in the manufacturing procedure. Wood-looks are highly customizable, which creates endless possibilities when it comes to design. 

Wood-look tiles are such a novelty to an inexperienced buyer and it might be hard to pick exactly what you’re looking for, so here are 4 reasons why wood-look is the best option out there. 


Good quality wood-look tiles are much more cost effective than any other hardwood flooring in the market. You get what you’ve paid for- the quality of the wood-look you get depends on the amount you pay for it, as goes for any other tile. Even the most costly wood-looks are a bargain when you consider how long lasting they are. You won’t have to spend any money on maintaining these tiles, apart from the initial installation investment.

Wood-look tiles are durable and have an inviting pattern of hardwood floors. No matter how much money you spend on your floors, they still tend to get scratches, dents, stains and all sorts or damage. These tiles, on the other hand, are hard to spoil if installed in a rightful manner. They have a lifespan of more than 30 years before you need to replace them.


Natural wood is a renewable resource and it can take a very long period of time for a tree to get mature enough, in order to be cut, which means that large areas remain deforested for many years causing more and more air pollution. Wood-look is made from clay, thus no trees are hurt in their production and they’re not harmful to the environment in any sort of way. Hardwood flooring requires polish or lacquers when installed which isn’t the best option for people with breathing issue and since wood-look doesn’t require any of this, these tiles are also the safest option.


With the advancement of technology, the flooring industry has developed an under-tile heating system, which keeps your flooring heated during winters. Wood-look tiles are partly made of ceramic which is an excellent conductor of heat, which means that you don’t need much heat to warm them up. They also don’t need extra work before they are installed. The natural conduction of energy lessens the burning of fossil fuels in the home. When it comes to wood-look tiles, there aren’t many flooring solutions that can beat them.


  1. I Think it would look more user friendly if it can be used exterior wall tiles from Mumbai, India. This type of tiles can make your exterior a go-to home type of tiles that helps you to get in applied to your home at any cost. An exquisite range of high-quality luxury tiles that elevate the mood of any space can only be bought from the best ceramic wall tiles company in Mumbai.


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