4 Simple Hacks To Ace Your Bathroom

Floor spacing is a modern day constraint metropolitan residential units have to deal with. It’s extremely essential that every inch and square available is optimized. In most cases however, the bathroom gets a raw deal. 

Perceptions could vary. But to most of us it’s that one space where being with your own thoughts is perfectly normal.  The décor, bath fittings and accessories make a huge difference and informed choices are nearly mandatory especially if your bathroom is bite-sized.

Here are a few bathroom hacks to help the look and function in sync just as well as the rest of your home space: 

1. Keep the Ceiling the Colour of the Walls

Having walls the same colour as the ceiling adds a new dimension of space. It reduces the number of transitions and intersecting planes, creating a much expansive upper space experience. Wall Claddings in place of paint is another great option. Not only are they effective in making the room look larger but break through the monotony from the use of one solid colour. The best tiles exponents, like Somany Ceramics, offer a wide variety of wall claddings for a quick space transformation. 

2. Use Clear Glass in the Shower

Inventive use of glass helps mark the shower area distinct from rest of the space. Plain options work better. Textured glass may enhance privacy factor, but creates a visual barrier making the space seem much smaller.  

3. Big Mirrors

A classic wooden cabinet with a mirror up to the ceiling makes your bathroom look much grander. Mount it up a sleek teak or pine wooden frame beneath focus lighting. Alternatively, hang a light up in front of the mirror. This will not only make the space grow visually but also help in shaping better lit-up décor. 

4. Let in Natural Light

Have at least one big bathroom window letting in ample amount of natural light, especially in the mornings. Windows without opaque shutters look more open and airy. Also, sunlight is keeps it fresh and dynamic – so make hay while the sun shines! 


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